
Commercial Roofing

How to Select a Commercial Roofer

By Dawn Killough

January 26, 2021

Contractor installing a commercial roof

Finding the right commercial roofer can be difficult. There are countless companies to choose from, and it can be tricky to figure out who will be best for your building. However, there are resources available to help you select a reputable roofing company and some questions you can ask to guide your decision.

Resources for Finding Reputable Commercial Roofers

There are several ways you can start your search for a reputable commercial roofing company. One of the most tried and true is to ask your network of colleagues, friends, and family if they have a recommendation. Referrals can sometimes be the best way to find a roofing company because you will get an honest review, especially if the person giving that review is someone you trust.

Another place you can find good commercial roofers is through the Better Business Bureau, which rates companies on their reviews from customers. Their website allows you to search your local area for the type of company you're looking for.

Finally, many roofing material manufacturers have a directory that lists contractors that are certified by the manufacturer. If you know what brand of roof you want, or you need a roof repair and know the brand of the roofing material originally used, these directories could be a great way to find a roofing contractor.

Questions to Ask When Hiring a Commercial Roofer

Once you've made your shortlist of commercial contractors, you'll want to ask each company a few questions about their business.

First thing's first: check your state contractors licensing entity. Most states require construction contractors to register with a state agency before they can provide services. Licensed contractors are often required to meet education requirements, as well as insurance and bonding requirements. It's always best to hire a licensed company.

You'll also want to see proof that the contractor has the required insurance and bonding. Most states' required insurance coverages include general liability, automobile, and workers' compensation insurance. These policies keep you protected if the contractor damages your building or property during work. States have different minimum coverages, so make sure the company you hire has adequate coverage for where you live.

Another thing to consider when hiring a roofing company is their experience with the type of roof or roofing service you want. Make sure that the company has worked on the type of roof you own and that they are experienced in the proper installation techniques. An inexperienced company may have problems with the installation, leading to potential warranty issues and leaks. Manufacturer-certified contractors are your best bet, as they are likely to have received training on the type of roofing products you are planning to install and may be more likely to be experienced in the installation of those products.

Other questions you can ask include what warranties the company offers and if they have any references from customers who had similar needs to yours. Follow up with these references to make sure they had a good experience with the roofing company.

The Importance of Manufacturer Designations

Many manufacturers provide specialized certification to companies that are qualified to install their products. While the details of each manufacturer's program may vary, most verify that the companies carry current licenses (in states that require them) and that they meet certain insurance and bonding requirements. They may also check their credit and verify their reputation by calling references and reviewing their company history.

Proper training is always important, and certified companies are provided with the latest information about products, installation methods, and proper repair techniques. This training is specific to the systems and materials that the manufacturer provides.

As an example, GAF Master Select* contractors go through an annual review process that includes making sure they have current state licenses, the necessary insurance coverages, a good reputation with their local community, and a commitment to ongoing training. Only about 1% of roofing contractors in the U.S. are certified as GAF Master Select.

The Bottom Line: Research Is Key

Selecting a contractor for your commercial project is a big decision, but some research can help you find the best contractor for your business. Knowing where to look and what to ask will help you narrow down the field. When in doubt, your best bet is to use seasoned companies, such as GAF-Factory Certified contractors,* that have extensive training and experience with projects like yours.

*Contractors enrolled in GAF certification programs are not employees or agents of GAF, and GAF does not control or otherwise supervise these independent businesses. Contractors may receive benefits, such as loyalty rewards points and discounts on marketing tools from GAF for participating in the program and offering GAF enhanced warranties, which require the use of a minimum amount of GAF products.

About the Author

Dawn Killough is a freelance writer in the construction, finance, and accounting fields. She is the author of an ebook about green building and writes for construction tech and green building websites. She lives in Salem, Oregon with her husband and four cats.

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Thermal Bridging Through Roof Fasteners: Why the Industry Should Take Note

What is going on here?No, this roof does not have measles, it has a problem with thermal bridging through the roof fasteners holding its components in place, and this problem is not one to be ignored.As building construction evolves, you'd think these tiny breaches through the insulating layers of the assembly, known as point thermal bridges, would matter less and less. But, as it happens, the reverse is true! The tighter and better-insulated a building, the bigger the difference all of the weak points, in its thermal enclosure, make. A range of codes and standards are beginning to address this problem, though it's important to note that there is often a time lag between development of codes and their widespread adoption.What Is the Industry Doing About It?Long in the business of supporting high-performance building enclosures, Phius (Passive House Institute US) provides a Fastener Correction Calculator along with a way to calculate the effect of linear thermal bridges (think shelf angles, lintels, and so on). By contrast, the 2021 International Energy Conservation Code also addresses thermal bridging, but only considers framing materials to be thermal bridges, and actually pointedly ignores the effects of point loads like fasteners in its definition of continuous insulation: "insulation material that is continuous across all structural members without thermal bridges other than fasteners and service openings" (Section C202). Likewise, The National Energy Code of Canada for Buildings: 2020 addresses thermal bridging of a number of building components, but also explicitly excludes fasteners: "in calculating the overall thermal transmittance of assemblies…fasteners need not be taken into account" (Section Admittedly, point thermal bridges are often excluded because it is challenging to assess them with simple simulation tools.Despite this, researchers have had a hunch for decades that thermal bridging through the multitude of fasteners often used in roofs is in fact significant enough to warrant study. Investigators at the National Bureau of Standards, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, the National Research Council Canada, and consulting firms Morrison Hershfield and Simpson Gumpertz & Heger (SGH), have conducted laboratory and computer simulation studies to analyze the effects of point thermal bridges.Why Pay Attention Now?The problem has been made worse in recent years because changes in wind speeds, design wind pressures, and roof zones as dictated by ASCE 7-16 and 7-22 (see blogs by Jim Kirby and Kristin Westover for more insight), mean that fastener patterns are becoming denser in many cases. This means that there is more metal on average, per square foot of roof, than ever before. More metal means that more heat escapes the building in winter and enters the building in summer. By making our buildings more robust against wind uplift to meet updated standards, we are in effect making them less robust against the negative effects of hot and cold weather conditions.So, how bad is this problem, and what's a roof designer to do about it? A team of researchers at SGH, Virginia Tech, and GAF set out to determine the answer, first by simplifying the problem. Our plan was to develop computer simulations to accurately anticipate the thermal bridging effects of fasteners based on their characteristics and the characteristics of the roof assemblies in which they are used. In other words, we broke the problem down into parts, so we could know how each part affects the problem as a whole. We also wanted to carefully check the assumptions underlying our computer simulation and ensure that our results matched up with what we were finding in the lab. The full paper describing our work was delivered at the 2023 IIBEC Convention and Trade Show, but here are the high points, starting with how we set up the study.First, we began with a simple 4" polyisocyanurate board (ISO), and called it Case A-I.Next, we added a high-density polyisocyanurate cover board (HD ISO), and called that Case A-II.Third, we added galvanized steel deck to the 4" polyiso, and called that Case A-III.Finally, we created the whole sandwich: HD ISO and ISO over steel deck, which was Case A-IV.Note that we did not include a roof membrane, substrate board, air barrier, or vapor retarder in these assemblies, partly to keep it simple, and partly because these components don't typically add much insulation value to a roof assembly.The cases can be considered base cases, as they do not yet contain a fastener. We needed to simulate and physically test these, so we could understand the effect that fasteners have when added to them.We also ran a set of samples, B-I through B-IV, that corresponded with cases A-I through A-IV above, but had one #12 fastener, 6" long, in the center of the 2' x 2' assembly, with a 3" diameter insulation plate. These are depicted below. The fastener penetrated the ISO and steel deck, but not the HD ISO.One visualization of the computer simulation is shown here, for Case B-IV. The stripes of color, or isotherms, show the vulnerability of the assembly at the location of the fastener.What did we find? The results might surprise you.First, it's no surprise that the fastener reduced the R-value of the 2' x 2' sample of ISO alone by 4.2% in the physical sample, and 3.4% in the computer simulation (Case B-I compared to Case A-I).When the HD ISO was added (Cases II), R-value fell by 2.2% and 2.7% for the physical experiment and computer simulation, respectively, when the fastener was added. In other words, adding the fastener still caused a drop in R-value, but that drop was considerably less than when no cover board was used. This proved what we suspected, that the HD ISO had an important protective effect against the thermal bridging caused by the fastener.Next, we found that the steel deck made a big difference as well. In the physical experiment, the air contained in the flutes of the steel deck added to the R-value of the assembly, while the computer simulation did not account for this effect. That's an item that needs to be addressed in the next phase of research. Despite this anomaly, both approaches showed the same thing: steel deck acts like a radiator, exacerbating the effect of the fastener. In the assemblies with just ISO and steel deck (Cases III), adding a fastener resulted in an R-value drop of 11.0% for the physical experiment and 4.6% for the computer simulation compared to the assembly with no fastener.Finally, the assemblies with all the components (HD ISO, ISO and steel deck, a.k.a. Cases IV) showed again that the HD ISO insulated the fastener and reduced its negative impact on the R-value of the overall assembly. The physical experiment had a 6.1% drop (down from 11% with no cover board!) and the computer simulation a 4.2% drop (down from 4.6% with no cover board) in R-value when the fastener was added.What Does This Study Tell Us?The morals of the study just described are these:Roof fasteners have a measurable impact on the R-value of roof insulation.High-density polyisocyanurate cover boards go a long way toward minimizing the thermal impacts of roof fasteners.Steel deck, due to its high conductivity, acts as a radiator, amplifying the thermal bridging effect of fasteners.What Should We Do About It?As for figuring out what to do about it, this study and others first need to be extended to the real world, and that means making assumptions about parameters like the siting of the building, the roof fastener densities required, and the roof assembly type.Several groups have made this leap from looking at point thermal bridges to what they mean for a roof's overall performance. The following example was explored in a paper by Taylor, Willits, Hartwig and Kirby, presented at the RCI, Inc. Building Envelope Technology Symposium in 2018. In that paper, the authors extended computer simulation results from a 2015 paper by Olson, Saldanha, and Hsu to a set of actual roofing scenarios. They found that the installation method has a big impact on the in-service R-value of the roof.They assumed a 15,000-square-foot roof, fastener patterns and densities based on a wind uplift requirement of 120 pounds per square foot, and a design R-value of R-30. In this example, a traditional mechanically attached roof had an in-service R-value of only R-25, which is a 17% loss compared to the design R-value.An induction-welded roof was a slight improvement over the mechanically attached assembly, with an in-service value of only R-26.5 (a 12% loss compared to the design R-value).Adhering instead of fastening the top layer of polyiso resulted in an in-service R-value of R-28.7 (a 4% loss compared to the design R-value).Finally, in their study, an HD polyiso board was used as a mechanically fastened substrate board on top of the steel deck, allowing both layers of continuous polyiso insulation and the roof membrane to be adhered. Doing so resulted in an in-service R-value of R-29.5, representing only a 1.5% loss compared to the design R-value.To operationalize these findings in your own roofing design projects, consider the following approaches:Consider eliminating roof fasteners altogether, or burying them beneath one or more layers of insulation. Multiple studies have shown that placing fastener heads and plates beneath a cover board, or, better yet, beneath one or two layers of staggered insulation, such as GAF's EnergyGuard™ Polyiso Insulation, can dampen the thermal bridging effects of fasteners. Adhering all or some of the layers of a roof assembly minimizes unwanted thermal outcomes.Consider using an insulating cover board, such as GAF's EnergyGuard™ HD or EnergyGuard™ HD Plus Polyiso cover board. Installing an adhered cover board in general is good roofing practice for a host of reasons: they provide enhanced longevity and system performance by protecting roof membranes and insulation from hail damage; they allow for enhanced wind uplift and improved aesthetics; and they offer additional R-value and mitigate thermal bridging as shown in our recent study.Consider using an induction-welded system that minimizes the number of total roof fasteners by dictating an even spacing of insulation fasteners. The special plates of these fasteners are then welded to the underside of the roof membrane using an induction heat tool. This process eliminates the need for additional membrane fasteners.Consider beefing up the R-value of the roof insulation. If fasteners diminish the actual thermal performance of roof insulation, building owners are not getting the benefit of the design R-value. Extra insulation beyond the code minimum can be specified to make up the difference.Where Do We Go From Here?Some work remains to be done before we have a computer simulation that more closely aligns with physical experiments on identical assemblies. But, the two methods in our recent study aligned within a range of 0.8 to 6.7%, which indicates that we are making progress. With ever-better modeling methods, designers should soon be able to predict the impact of fasteners rather than ignoring it and hoping for the best.Once we, as a roofing industry, have these detailed computer simulation tools in place, we can include the findings from these tools in codes and standards. These can be used by those who don't have the time or resources to model roof assemblies using a lab or sophisticated modeling software. With easy-to-use resources quantifying thermal bridging through roof fasteners, roof designers will no longer be putting building owners at risk of wasting energy, or, even worse, of experiencing condensation problems due to under-insulated roof assemblies. Designers will have a much better picture of exactly what the building owner is getting when they specify a roof that includes fasteners, and which of the measures detailed above they might take into consideration to avoid any negative consequences.This research discussed in this blog was conducted with a grant from the RCI-IIBEC Foundation and was presented at IIBEC's 2023 Annual Trade Show and Convention in Houston on March 6. Contact IIBEC at or GAF at for more information.

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Commercial Roofing

Questions to Ask a Roofer for Your Commercial Roof Project

If your commercial building needs a new roof or repair, it might be time to call in a professional roofer. You might have a few contractors in your area, so knowing what questions to ask a roofer can help you find the right one for the job. In addition to requesting examples of their past work, here are eight questions to ask a roofing contractor before hiring them.1. Are You Licensed and Insured?Not all states require licensing but many do, and you'll want to see proof that the contractor is licensed in the state they'll be performing work for you.In many cases, roofing contractors who advertise their services are required to include their license number in the advertisement. Most states that require licensing have online portals where you can verify that the contractor's license is in good standing.Insurance is also important, as sometimes not all jobs go smoothly. The contractor should be covered in case an unfortunate incident occurs.2. Does Your Company Hold Manufacturer Certifications?Roofing manufacturers may offer several certification levels, helping you know what level of service and experience to expect. For instance, GAF Master Select contractors are required to complete ongoing training and be properly licensed and insured. Additionally, they must have at least $1 million in general liability insurance coverage and a satisfactory Better Business Bureau rating, among other requirements.Not every contractor can achieve certification. In fact, only 1% of roofing contractors in the US achieve the GAF Master Select status. This status means the contractor has been vetted by the manufacturer, meets strict requirements for quality control and can potentially offer enhanced warranties on roofing systems.3. Are Your Workers Certified?Many training programs and certifications are available for roofing installers, such as the National Roofing Contractors Association ProCertification® training program and the GAF CARE Contractor Training Center.You want to be sure the people working on your roof understand the proper repair and installation methods for your roofing system. Seeing what certifications they hold can confirm their roofing knowledge and familiarity with the products you're looking to install.4. Is Your Company a Member of Any Industry Associations?Membership in an industry association can demonstrate a roofing contractor's professionalism and commitment to their industry. In addition to regional, state, or national roofing associations, some commercial roofing contractors belong to associations designed for building owners and facility managers, such as the Building Owners and Managers Association or the International Facility Managers Association.If you're a member of either of these organizations, your membership list could be a good place to start your search for a commercial roofer.5. What Is Your Project Timeline and Process?The contractor should consider all aspects of your project when planning it. Ensure they'll install quality roofing systems and solutions, and share any concerns you may have—before work begins. For instance, you may be concerned about how construction may affect building occupants, including noise levels and parking. Your contractor should be able to review a plan with you that addresses these concerns.They should also give you a project timeline from start to completion and be able to explain their process, which can include:Initial site inspectionRepair or replacement recommendationsEstimate developmentProject timelinePlans to minimize disruptionsHow they'll handle and communicate unexpected issuesWarranty options6. How Do I Prepare for the Roofing Project?Determine if you need to take any steps to prepare for the project. For example, your contractor should suggest how to inform building occupants about the upcoming work and how long it will last. Also, if you have neighbors close by or share parking lots, they'll need to be notified too.Every project and building is different, so other preparations may need to happen before the project begins. Your contractor can identify any additional needs as part of their inspection and planning process. In most cases, the contractor will handle precautions—like roping off parking areas or protecting landscaping—and they should communicate that to you before your project begins.7. How Much Will the Project Cost? Are There Contingencies?Most commercial roofing contractors include the project cost in their bid package, but you should also ask about contingencies. A contingency is typically a small percentage of the total project cost that may be included to cover surprises during a roofing project, such as mold or rot. Making unexpected repairs will increase the project's cost. So, understand whether a contingency is included in your estimate so you can financially prepare.8. Do You Have a Maintenance Program for Repair Work?Once your roof has been installed, it's important to take care of it. Ask the contractor if they offer a maintenance program that includes an annual inspection of your roof. This is a great way to assess the health of your roof after a year's worth of weather. Any issues can be addressed before they turn into larger problems.By having a maintenance program in place, you can build a lasting relationship with your commercial roofing contractor and may even be able to extend your roof's warranty. If your contractor participates as a GAF Certified Maintenance Professional® you could be eligible for a 25% warranty extension with the completion of required inspections and proper documentation.Signing with a Commercial Roofing ContractorKnowing what to look for when hiring a roofer is the first step toward a successful project. Now that you know some of the questions to ask a roofer, interviewing them should be more straightforward. Their answers can help you decide if they're the right fit for your project. Keep in mind that it's wise to meet with and interview multiple commercial roofing contractors before signing a contract.Ready to take the next step? Find roofing contractors certified by GAF* in your area and schedule a time to talk about the commercial work you need completed.*Contractors enrolled in GAF certification programs are not employees or agents of GAF, and GAF does not control or otherwise supervise these independent businesses. Contractors may receive benefits, such as loyalty rewards points and discounts on marketing tools from GAF for participating in the program and offering GAF enhanced warranties, which require the use of a minimum amount of GAF products. Your dealings with a Contractor, and any services they provide to you, are subject to the GAF Contractor Terms of Use.

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November 08, 2023

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